Sunday, August 7, 2011

Review - Guide Gear Camo Quiver Pack

There are a couple of pieces of hunting gear that I can never quite get right. I've tried many different products from many different brands and cannot find exactly what I want. The canteen is an example of this. I've tried over a dozen and can't find any that I like. I have the same problem with backpacks and gloves.

Another example if this is a quiver. I cannot find a quiver I like. I use a crossbow, which makes finding a good one all the harder. Most quivers are designed for long arrows, not short bolts. I despise quivers that attach to my bow. It is big, heavy, and awkward enough without trying to attach pointy sticks to it. Hip quivers get hung up on every piece of brush I walk by. Back quivers are always too deep and I can't comfortably wear a back pack with them.

I've decided to try one of those backpack/quivers. Most are just regular backpacks with a quiver attached. There are all types available. The one thing they all have in common it that they are expensive. The cheapest start at $100 and they go up from there. For this reason I was excited to find the Guide Gear Camo Quiver Pack at the Sportsman's Guide for a little less than $30. At this price I couldn't pass it up.

It is larger than it looked on the web site

Lets see if it was worth the $30 I paid for it.

First the good:

The Guide Gear Camo Quiver Pack is a simple pack. It has two outside pockets, a large inside compartment, a hydration-pack pocket, and a small GPS pocket on one of the shoulder straps. It has a chest strap, but not a belt strap.

One nice feature that I have not seen often is the insulated pocket. One of the outside pockets is insulated like a soft sided cooler. This would be great for keeping lunch cold, especially considering bow season is usually held during the warmer months.

The insulated pocket is a nice touch

The smaller outside pocket is just a pocket. Enough room for a mouth call or something else little.

The inside compartment is big. I like that you can open it all the way. I'm trying to think of a way to compartmentalize it. There is no built in way to organize you gear.

The inside compartment is large, but there are no pockets for organization

It is made about as well as you can expect from a $30 pack. If I paid $100 dollars for it I would knock its quality, but for $30 I am pleased. It should last a couple seasons.

That was all of the good points. Now lets look at the down sides:

When I first put it on I realized the Guide Gear Camo Quiver Pack must have been designed for giants. I am not a big guy, but even after I cinched the shoulder straps all the way up, it hang low off my shoulders. The chest strap is more of a belly strap on me. You would have to be a really big boy for this to fit nicely.

The quiver, the entire reason I bought it, is a joke. It is simply a sleeve in the back you could stick arrows. It is not compatible with any broad heads, or even small game judo points. Field points only. The arrows do fit snugly, are quiet, and are removed easily.

The "quiver" is just a pocket built into the back

Was this pack worth $30? Nope. Not in its current state. The fact that it would not fit someone smaller than a moose and that the quiver does not work with broad heads makes it worthless.

However, it can be fixed. In my next post I will show you how turn this pack into a workable solution.

Hey! If you haven't already, head over to the knife giveaway and enter a win a Buck pocket knife! It doesn't cost a thing and there are not many entries, so the odds are pretty good!

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